IP RAM 0.75 - Adapter, 3/4

IP RAM 0.75 - Adapter, 3/4" MPT x R2000 Male ACME. Adapts Nelson R2000 to 3/4" pipe.

IP R2000 RGHA - Road Guard (High Angle) for Wind Fighter

IP R2000 RGHA - Road Guard (High Angle) for Wind Fighter

Nelson Low Pressure Wind Fighter Rotator, #20 Brown Plate and #20 Brown Nozzle, 20 to 50 PSI, R2000 Female ACME Thread

Nelson Low Pressure Wind Fighter Rotator, #20 Brown Plate and #20 Brown Nozzle, 20 to 50 PSI, R2000 Female ACME Thread

IP R2000LP 2020 - Nelson Low Pressure Wind Fighter Rotator, #20 Brown Plate and #20 Brown Nozzle, 20 to 50 PSI, R2000 Female ACME Thread

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